Constitution and Bylaws for the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning in General Education

The following Constitution and Bylaws were approved by the CASL-GE committee on May 8, 2024.

Article 1


The name of this New Mexico State University (NMSU) committee shall be the committee for the Assessment of Student Learning in General Education, hereafter referred to as CASL-GE. 

Article II

Purpose and Scope

CASL-GE is responsible for coordinating General Education (GE) assessment and reporting activities on he NMSU main campus. See Article VII for more information. 

Article III


Section 1. Membership

All New Mexico State University Main Campus faculty are eligible to be members. Individual college associate deans or deans shall nominate individuals from their faculty. Regular members include: 

  1. One faculty representative from each academic college and Library
  2. One faculty representative from each of the GE Content Areas (I through VI). In order to represent a GE Content Area, the faculty member must have taught a course in that content area for one or more semesters. For the six content areas, at least three NMSU academic colleges must be represented. 
  3. Faculty representatives may maintain dual representation from both above. 

Section 2. Chair

  1. Chair of CASL-GE shall be a NMSU faculty member appointed by the NMSU Provost. Length of the chair is at the discretion of the NMSU Provost. Hereafter, the CASL-GE Chair shall be referred to as Chair. The Chair is also considered a Regular Member.

Section 3. Regular Member

Regular Members are defined as all individuals in Section III.1. Membership terms are for three years with the option to renew for a second term. Terms will rotate in a staggered fashion each fall to ensure legacy knowledge is maintained. Regular Members shall not participate for more than two consecutive terms. 

Section 4. 

Permanent ex-officio, non-voting members shall include: 

  1. NMSU Provost
  2. NMSU Senior Associate Provost
  3. NMSU Office of Institutional Analysis representative
  4. NMSU Office of Institutional Effectives representative

Section 5.

One-year, temporary, non-voting ex-officio members may be appointed by the NMSU Provost or the Chair of CASL-GE as needed. Appointment can be renewed. 

Article IV


Section 1. 

The CASL-GE Chair shall coordinate all activities of CASL-GE, shall impartially enforce the Bylaws, shall serve as the official representative of CASL-GE, shall submit an annual committee report to the NMSU provost each spring, shall govern all proceedings during regular meetings of CASL-GE, and shall call regular or special meetings when necessary. Hereafter, the CASL-GE Chair shall be referred to as Chair. 

Section 2.

Regular CASL-GE members shall conduct CASL-GE business and vote during regular or special meetings when necessary. 

Section 3.

Ex-officio members may participate in CASL-GE business, but they are not eligible to vote during CASL-GE business. 

Section 4.

Any member may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Chair. The resignation becomes official upon formal acknowledgement by the Chair. 

Section 5.

Any vacancies shall be filled by prompt requests to the appropriate individuals described above. 

Article V


CASL-GE has no standing subcommittee. Special subcommittees may be formed and dissolved by a majority 50% plus one vote in regular or special CASL-GE meetings. 

Article VI


Section 1.

Meetings shall be held at least once per month during the fall and spring semesters. Meetings may occur virtually, face-to-face, or combination of the two. The schedule of meetings for each semester shall be approved at the first meeting of the semester by majority 50% plus one vote. 

Section 2.

Special meetings may be called by the Chair or formal request from CASL-GE regular or ex-officio members. These formal meeting requests shall result in a meeting scheduled by the Chair to begin within 15 business days of request. 

Section 3.

A quorum shall consist of a majority of 50% plus one of the voting membership. 

Section 4.

A majority of 50% plus one of voting members present is sufficient to pass a motion or act introduced by CASL-GE, except as otherwise specified herein. 

Section 5. Voting

  1. Voting in face-to-face meetings shall be by a show of hands. 
  2. Voting in remote meetings shall be by counting appropriate indicators as determined by the Chair. 
  3. Voting in combination face-to-face and virtual meetings shall be by show of hands for those who are attending in person and by appropriate indicators as determined by the Chair for those members attending virtually. 
  4. There may be occasions with voting by email is required. Email votes require the appropriate passing threshold to be met of total voting members on CASL-GE to pass, regardless of the total number of votes cast. If this passing threshold is not met, the vote is null, and the item will be added to the agenda of the next meeting. 

Article VII

Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern CASL-GE in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these Bylaws and any additional rules that CASL-GE may adopt. Meetings must be conducted in accordance with applicable NMSU policies and procedures as defined in NMSU's Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP) and Regents Policy Manual (RPM).

Article VIII

Major Committee Goals

Section 1.

CASL-GE shall coordinate annual assessment of General Education activities at the NMSU Main Campus. Methods of assessment shall be determined at the first spring regular meeting of the semester. Assessment shall be completed by the end of the fall semester. Assessment analysis and results shall be presented to the NMSU Provost every spring. 

Section 2.

CASL-GE shall distribute results and analysis to the NMSU community after Provost review. Method of distribution will be determined by CASL-GE and led by the Chair. 

Section 3.

CASL-GE shall coordinate and support the NMSU General Education Course Certification Committee (GECCC) in efforts to recertify General Education and Viewing a Wider World courses.

Section 4.

Bylaws shall be reviewed by members every four years.

Article IX

Amendment of the Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of CASL-GE by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided a quorum has been met. The amendment must have been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting for member review before vote. 

Article X


Committee membership, meeting agendas, meeting minutes and annual reports shall be housed on a NMSU website per Higher Learning Commission accreditation guidelines. Additional documentation may be housed on the website at the discretion of the chair. 

Article XI

Confidentiality and Ethics

Section 1.

CASL-GE shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding any student data or information while following the NMSU policies and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) on student data. 

Section 2.

Any dissemination of student data must be conducted in accordance with NMSU policy. 

Section 3.

Violations of confidentiality or ethical conduct shall be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from CASL-GE. Members shall adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in carrying out their duties. Members shall refrain from engaging in any activities that may compromise the integrity or objectivity of CASL-GE business. Any concerns regarding potential violations shall be investigated and addressed promptly. 

Article XII

Conflict Resolution

Professional and ethical standards are expected. If conflicts cannot be resolved through informal discussions, the Faculty Grievance Review Board shall be sought for advice to move forward. 

Article XIII

Other Rights and Responsibilities

Any other CASL-GE right or responsibility not enumerated in these Bylaws shall be owned by the Chair to delegate to members as necessary.